Best places to Retire: comparing Spain Vs Italy

Human Resources

In the last 10 years, the post-retirement moment is an important milestone that many people celebrate by abruptly changing their lives. Well, yes!  In a nutshell what is happening is that after years and years of always working in the same place, people are starting to feel like traveling, getting away from the routine that has always tied them. Some of them decide to go on a cruise, travel around the world, and do everything they dreamed of when they were younger. Many of them even decide to move to another country, and Spain emerges as one of the best places to retire!

best places to retire

Why would a retiree choose to move to Spain? 

The Blacktower Financial Managers group named Spain the best place to retire in Europe. The positive factors that make Spain people’s first choice are: weather, cost of living, real estate prices and security. Let’s have a deeper look at them:

1. The sunshine

Good weather is good, looking out the window and seeing the sun helps and incentivizes people’s well-being. Because of this factor, the regions located further south in the country are the ones where people decide to move.

2. Low and relaxed standard of living 

It is known that the Spanish mentality is very different from the Italian mentality, much more centered on work and with a very high pace. In Spain that is not what usually happens, people like to chat, take a break between 10 and 11 a.m. and meet at the bar to drink “café con leche”. 

3. The Services

The country offers many services and incentives for everyone, you will feel safe because you will have everything you need to live a peaceful life at your disposal. In fact, it is easy to find beaches, free Pilates classes, dance classes and much more, in short, you will never get bored and you will meet many people like you who want to make the most of this time of life. 

4. Retirement 

In Spain life is cheaper. Consequently, you are more likely to live without spending too much, saving money and not be afraid of not making ends met.

5. The arts and culture 

You will live in a fascinating country, rich in history and culture: cathedrals, palaces, ruins and picturesque villages. Madrid is home to some of the most celebrated collections you can find at the Prado and the Guggenheim Museum in San Sebastian.  

Obviously you will find these factors in every corner of the Iberian Peninsula, but if you choose to move to a large city like Barcelona and Madrid, things may be different. A more stressful lifestyle and a higher cost especially in real estate. 

Obviously before you choose where to go evaluate well and get informed! By telling you this I am not inviting you to leave Italy, but I am just showing the advantages this  country could give you. Even Italy as you know can offer a lot of

  • good wine 
  • sunshine
  • sea 
  • and especially good food, so loved by tourists! 

Italian culture is all to be discovered, and doing so as a retiree can give you many experiences you didn’t even know you were having!

Best places to retire: Conclusion 

I am not here to tell you what to do, but simply urge you to live to the fullest this moment of life that can be enriched by so many things, without depriving yourself of the freedom to travel and learn about the world. A different time will begin that will be able to bring you joy and happiness, of course your routine will change and maybe you will feel strange because you will not be in your usual office.

But in spite of this, you deserve to experience the best that life has to offer!  I hope this article has helped you or simply intrigued you as you look forward to the future. And maybe we will meet each other, living in one of the best places to retire!


Previdenza: un pensionato al giorno si trasferisce all’estero. Ecco la top ten delle mete preferite

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